NPI Experience


Leaders without proper leadership training can create hostile work environments and fear-driven employees. Unfortunately, this environment fosters overly-defensive workers who display a constant "finger-pointing," or accusing, attitude. This toxic formula not only hinders productive solution formulation, people are also generally demoralized and are reduced to simply "working for the money." 

I have experienced many situations throughout my career in both business and industrial settings. I have in many situations where I was able to use my leadership coaching skills to improve the situation. An example is when I was assigned to help turn around the failing performance of a company in India. After months of hard work and determination, my team and I succeeded in accomplishing the goal we set out to do. We received recognition from the CEO of the firm, stating that the situation resulted in, "The highest and the most impressive recoveries in the history of the company. Better leadership resulted in improved product delivery and quality, saving the company millions of dollars, caused a significant reduction of customer complaints.

Better team leadership cultivates an atmosphere that can inspire people to go beyond contractual obligation, and into performing at a higher level of commitment to support company goals.